Devon Ward is a designer, artist, and educator who works across multiple creative disciplines including print design, interactive media, biodesign, and experimental art. He is an Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at Auburn University where he teaches introduction to graphic design and advanced interactive media. His research focuses on design as an expanding field that blends new materials, technologies, and theories to adapt to changing environments.

Ward has taught a range of design disciplines including graphic design, integrated design, biodesign, physical computing, and motion graphics. Previously, he has served as Assistant Teaching Professor at Ball State University (US), Instructional Assistant Professor at Illinois State University (US), Visiting Instructional Assistant Professor at Shanghai Normal University, Tianhua (CN), Sessional Instructor at The University of Western Australia (AU) and Sessional Instructor at Curtin University (AU). In 2019 he was honored with UWA’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Ward earned a Bachelor of Fine Art from the University of Florida and an interdisciplinary masters degree, the Masters of Biological Art, at SymbioticA, The Centre for Excellence in Biological Art at The University of Western Australia (UWA).

Ward’s works include Bloom (2020, Illinois State University Gallery, US), Vapour Meat (2020, Philadelphia Museum of Art, US ; 2019, 798 Art District, Hyundai Motor Studio, Beijing, CN; 2018, Science Gallery, Dublin, IE | created with Oron Catts), Design Guangzhou (2020, Urban Screening, Melbourne Design Week, AU | created with Kirill de Lancastre Jedenov and Filipe Afonso);  Gnawing Fields (2019, The Lobby, AU), The Tempering (2019, Cool Change Contemporary, AU), Compost-cubator 4.0 (2019, ZHI Art Museum, Chengdu, CN; 2019, Chronus Art Center, Shanghai, CN | created with Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr), _Foundations_ 2100_ (2017, TransArt, Perth, AU | created with Kynan Tan), Co•—st•—l  W•—ve Tr•—nsl•—tor (2017, This Is Not Art Festival, Newcastle, AU | created with Kynan Tan). Ward has exhibited nationally and internationally, includ­ing Australia, China, Japan, UK, US and Ireland.